Tehillim / Psalms
Psalm 1 Psalm 2 Psalm 12 Psalm 13 Psalm 14 Psalm 15 Psalm 17 (Recited during the Zemirot on Yom Kippur) Psalm 19 Psalm 22 (My God, My God! Why Have You Forsaken Me?) Psalm 23 (The Lord is My Shepherd) Psalm 29 Psalm 30 (Recited during Zemirot) Psalm 33 Psalm 34 Psalm 37 Psalm 41 Psalm 42 and 43 Psalm 46 Psalm 47 Psalm 48 Psalm 49 Psalm 50 Psalm 51 (Recited during the Zemirot on Yom Kippur) Psalm 66 Psalm 67 (Melody for the Omer Period) Psalm 67 (Melody for the the End of Shabbat) Psalm 68 Psalm 81 Psalm 83 Psalm 90 Psalm 91 Psalm 92 and 93 (Melody for the Eve of Shabbat) Psalm 92 and 93 (Melody for the Morning of Shabbat) Psalm 100 (A Psalm of Thanksgiving) Psalm 107 Psalm 113 Psalm 114 Psalm 115 Psalm 116 Psalm 117 (in ten different tunes for different occasions) Psalm 118: 1-4 (in ten different tunes for different occasions) Psalm 118: 5-20 Psalm 118: 21-25 (for other melodies, look under the respective holidays) Psalm 118: 26-29 Psalm 121 (Shabbat Morning Melody; "Zemirot") Psalm 121 (Evening Melody) Psalm 122 (Shabbat Morning Melody; "Zemirot") Psalm 122 (Melody for Festivals) Psalm 122 (Choir Setting for Festivals) Psalm 130
Psalm 134 Psalm 137 (By the Rivers of Babylon) Psalm 144 (Melody for the end of Shabbat) Psalm 144 (Contemporary interpretation) Psalm 145 (Melody for Shabbat and Holiday "Zemirot") Psalm 145 (Melody before Afternoon Prayer "Minḥá) Psalm 145 (Melody before Shabbat and Holiday "Musaf") (Elaborate version) Psalm 150 (Melody for Shabbat Morning; "Zemirot") Psalm 150 (Melody for the Festivals) |