There are many paths traveled by people to spiritually connect to the Ineffable, to which they may allude by different appellations, such as God, the Lord, the Creator, Allah, HaShem, the Supreme Reality, or the Infinite Essence of Existence.
Christianity initially started as a Jewish Messianic movement centered around Jesus of Nazareth, but after his crucifixion and alleged resurrection it soon evolved into its own, independent religion, primarily adhered to by non-Jews. Despite this evolution, Christianity still bears several important Jewish features, such as the Jewish Scriptures which are included in the Christian Bible. Differences are however the doctrine of the Trinity and the renouncement of all ritual laws. The teachings and paradigm of Jesus inspire many Christians towards compassion and neighborly love. Coming from a Christian background, Christianity feels to me like an old friend with whom I like to stay in touch. Without the Church, the Bible, the stories about the Patriarchs and Jesus, I would not have been the person I am today. I am much indebted to it.